The authors must recommend two or three potential reviewers for their article in the cover letter, giving their names and email addresses. Remember that the editor ultimately decides whether or not to use the proposed reviewers.
We accept manuscripts submitted through the manuscript submission system, for which you must register in advance on Microbes, Infection and Chemotherapy website.
Email is the main form of correspondence between the authors and the medical journal. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to coordinate the submission of requests for review and questions about the work under review, including, among others, questions about the integrity of the work, requests for study protocols or information of the test record, study data and documentation of institutional review, approval of the ethics committee, etc.
We recognize all the manuscripts and assign each one a unique and confidential manuscript number. We provide all authors with instructions to verify the manuscript's status via email through our manuscript management system.
Once the manuscript has been received, the editorial assistant verifies if all the established instructions were fulfilled. If not, it will be returned to the author without entering the evaluation process. Similarity software provided by the faculty of medicine is used during this process. If all has been fulfilled, the manuscript is sent for evaluation by the editors.
Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two reviewers, selected by one of the editors. The manuscripts sent for review are privileged communications and the authors' private property. Therefore, reviewers (such as editorial team members) shall not publicly discuss the authors' work or appropriate their ideas before publishing the manuscript. Reviewers should not keep copies of revised manuscripts in their personal files and are prohibited from sharing copies of the manuscript with others. Reviewers should destroy copies of manuscripts after submitting reviews. The reviewer will receive a copy of our decision letter to the author with the other reviewers' comments. These are also confidential.
There is no direct communication between the authors and the reviewers. Microbes, Infection and Chemotherapy is managed under the double-blind peer review system, where neither the authors nor the reviewers know the identity of the other group.
Once the reports of the reviewers are received, the general editor, together with members of the editorial committee, meets and, based on the reports of the peer reviewers, makes the decision to accept the manuscript in its entirety, accept it after minor changes, determine that the article can only be accepted if major changes are made, or reject the submission.
If there is controversy regarding the decision, the editor-in-chief will make the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript, which the editorial committee will endorse.
The correspondent author will be informed by email of any decisions the editorial committee takes.
Authors who think their manuscripts were erroneously rejected can email a letter of appeal to the editor who handled the manuscript. The letter should detail the author's concern and establish how the manuscript can be revised or clarified to address the critical issues the editors and reviewers mentioned. Publishers rarely reverse their original decisions. Many rejections involve priority judgments from editors that authors usually cannot address through an appeal. Once an appeal is received, the editors can confirm their decision to reject the manuscript, invite a revised manuscript or look for an additional peer review or a statistical review of the original manuscript.
With a commitment to openness and accountability and to increase transparency throughout our peer review process, Microbes, Infection and Chemotherapy has decided to implement a transparent peer review process for all manuscripts submitted to the journal.
The practice will include a "peer review file" (a record of reviewer reports and author replies) in the footnote of the corresponding article. The peer review file will be published online (only) along with the theme.
Proof of the article will be sent to the corresponding author. The print proof will be reviewed, and possible errors will be marked, returning the revised proof within 48 hours. This proof aims to detect typographical, orthographic, or form errors. Corrections that affect the content or modify the article's original sense will not be accepted. If corrections are not received within the deadline, the Editorial Board will not be responsible for any error or omission that may be published.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to admit or reject the corrections made by the author in the proof.
The corresponding author of the article may consult by emailing at any time about the progress of the revision of his article or any doubt that may arise.